Thursday, December 08, 2005

Patriot Act Extension

Everything about the extension of the Patriot Act is worrying, even the title of the Washington Post article ("House, Senate Republicans Reach Deal on Patriot Act"). Despite concerns over the privacy implications of continuing two of the more contentious sections allowing roving wiretaps and making it easier for the government to get private records, the Reupublicans have pushed it through. Although there are time limits on the provisions (four in the compromise bill as compared with seven in the House version), the provisions will likely be extended in four years, unless the Democrats take back either the House or the Senate (or both). Sen. Feingold (D-WI) has promised to fillibuster it and a group of Democrats and Republicans have said they are 'gravely disappointed' and that they will oppose it, the triangular wing of the Democratic party will gladly sacrifice American civil liberties in the name of political expediency and in order to avoid being attacked by the Republicans. But, I could be surprised and the bill fails and a less intrusive version will be passed.


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