Friday, December 16, 2005

NSA Intercepts and Bolton

Larry Johnson, a former CIA agent, notes today on TPMCafe that the revelation of warrantless wiretaps by the NSA may tie into the Bolton nomination as UN ambassador. He notes that:
In light of the latest revelation, we have another possible explanation why the Bush Administration fought so strenuously to keep those intercepts secret and out of the hearing. Snooping without judicial review is wrong and must be punished.

What Mr. Johnson is making reference to are the NSA intercepts that Bolton requested. At issue may be the means by which they were collected. If the NSA warrantless intercepts are found to be illegal and unconstitutional (as they should), it would have revealed illegal activities by the government if the Bush Admininstration had turned them over to Congress. Whether or not this adds to the list of impeachable offenses by Bush, it should force a review of Bolton's recess appointment to the UN as soon as Congress is back in session (instead of when a new Congress is in session after the 2006 elections).


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