Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Moral relativism and the religious right

The religious right is one of the worst offenders in sacrificing values for political gain and viewing the world with a moral relativism based on politics. And finally, this news has reached the Washington Post, who have an article today about this. It centers around protests over cuts in anti-poverty programs like Medicare and food stamps to pay for further tax cuts. Evangelicals and religious leaders on the left of the political spetrum have organized a sit-in in the House of Representatives to protest these budget cuts. However, there are no right-wing evangelicals participating. They think that fighting womens right to choose and gays rights against discrimination are more important domestically. Internationally, they have supported some important work like fighting sex trafficing and genocide in Darfur (however, they use it to force their anti-condom, anti-abortion agenda onto U.S. foreign policy). Domestically, they would rather go along with (and actively support) tax cuts in exchange for legislative support of extremist judges and legislation limiting the rights of women and homosexuals. They sacrifice principle domestically in exchange for legislative favors and ignore the poor. I'm not religious, but didn't their supposed savior Jesus fight on behalf of the poor and excluded? I don't think he involved himself in supporting tax cuts (something about rendering to Caesar what is Caesar and something about the rich, an elephant, a pin head and heaven). They are hypocrites who are have no moral legitimacy and are actually destroying freedom of religion.


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