Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Clarification on CIA 'black sites'

A lengthy quote follows below from an AP story that lends further credibility to the Washington Post story and to the existence of CIA 'black sites'. Also, a BBC News story from today has a good graphic on where the CIA flights from Washington, DC were headed. Included are Romania, Sweden, Ireland, FYR Macedonia, Morocco, Spain, Libya, Algeria and Egypt. This likely includes both 'black sites' as well as countries involved at some stage in "extraordinary rendition".

A European investigator said Tuesday he has found mounting indications the United States illegally held detainees in Europe but then hurriedly shipped out the last ones to North Africa a month ago when word leaked out.

Dick Marty, a Swiss senator looking into claims the CIA operated secret prisons in Europe, said an ongoing, monthlong investigation unearthed "clues" that Poland and Romania were implicated — perhaps unwittingly.

Both countries have denied any involvement and Marty said he believes no prisoners are now being held by the U.S. in Europe.

"To my knowledge, those detainees were moved about a month ago, maybe a little more," he told reporters after briefing the legal committee of the Council of Europe, a human rights watchdog, on his findings. "They were moved to North Africa."

Asked by The Associated Press on the sidelines of the meeting to which North African country detainees might have been moved, he said: "I would imagine that it would be Morocco — up to you to confirm it."

Moroccan government spokesman Nabil Benabdellah denied any connection to such prisons when reports of the transfers surfaced last week. "We have nothing to do with and we have no knowledge about this subject," he told the AP.


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