What's The Matter with Kansas
There is a fascinating article in the Lawrence (KS) Journal-World about the rise of extreme fundamentalist "social" conservatives. For those who have not read the book "What's the Matter with Kansas?" (a great read), this article provides a glimpse into the strange world of Republicans in Kansas. For example:
How often are the words "conservatives" and "revolutionaries" used in the the same sentance to describe one group. It is quite true that the "social conservatives" aren't conservatives at all. They are fundamentalist revolutionaries who want to turn back time to before the civil rights movement, before women were given rights, to before the new deal. They are trying to undo all of the progressive agenda in the twentieth century, not to mention all of the science. It is a wonder how they attract women to their movement as, like the Mormons, they have adopted a policy of white male supremacy (although they are not as vocal about this part of their agenda) in the family, the workplace and government. They interpret the Bible literally and probably would support some kind of Christian Sharia law based on the Bible. They are frightening and dangerous to democracy. Just look at Iran and Saudi Arabia (and soon, to Iraq).
“The social conservatives don’t see themselves as the old definition of conservatism,” said Bob Beatty, political science professor at Washburn University.
“They are movement conservatives, revolutionaries, and they are willing to use the state to accomplish their goals,” Beatty said.
Traditionally, conservatives have been associated with fiscal prudence, turning a cautious eye to new trends.
But new conservatives have tossed that aside, Beatty said, if it furthers their agenda on social issues.
How often are the words "conservatives" and "revolutionaries" used in the the same sentance to describe one group. It is quite true that the "social conservatives" aren't conservatives at all. They are fundamentalist revolutionaries who want to turn back time to before the civil rights movement, before women were given rights, to before the new deal. They are trying to undo all of the progressive agenda in the twentieth century, not to mention all of the science. It is a wonder how they attract women to their movement as, like the Mormons, they have adopted a policy of white male supremacy (although they are not as vocal about this part of their agenda) in the family, the workplace and government. They interpret the Bible literally and probably would support some kind of Christian Sharia law based on the Bible. They are frightening and dangerous to democracy. Just look at Iran and Saudi Arabia (and soon, to Iraq).
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