Friday, December 16, 2005

Novak, Rove Libby and White House dynamics

There is an interesting article in the National Journal about how Rove and Novak came to talk to one another shortly before the outing of Valerie Wilson in Novak's column. The discussion was about the appointment of Frances Townsend as deputy national security advisor for terrorism. Novak had been researching her appointment and was talking to Rove to get the White House line supporting her nomination. Later in their conversation was when Valerie Wilson's identity was brought up. The main focus, however, was the conflict between Rove and Libby that represented the internal tension between the White House and the Office of the Vice President. In this case, the OVP opposed Townsend because she had worked for President Clinton and the OVP didn't like her opposition to its harsher tactics in the war on terrorism. The article is a new dimension on the tension between OVP and the WH.


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