Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Ban Handguns

It makes a lot of sense to ban handguns. It doesn't violate the 2nd amendment (which is designed to allow for a "well regulated milita", i.e. the National Guard) and it could help restrain gun violence. In the current state, the government has to determine whether people are allowed to own handguns, and in that process, whether their ownership will endanger society due to their previous behavior. With a handgun ban, anyone that has a handgun is breaking the law. There is no justification for having handguns. The common example, that people should have guns for hunting, does not have any validity with handguns because the only animal hunted with handguns are people.


Blogger Sven said...

yes. but if you outlaw handguns this moment in america the criminals will still be able to get them illegally (hence criminals) .therefore the ones we do not want to have the guns will, and they will continue to 'hunt', murder, rob, etc.: and those who obey the law will not be able to defend themselfs.

12:34 AM  

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