Friday, July 22, 2005

Searching Mass Transit

After the attempt on July 21st to bomb the London Tube and Buses, the NY Mayor Bloomberg started a program to randomly search passengers and their bags as they enter the subway.  With millions of people travelling on the subway everyday in addition to the promise not to racially profile leaves the policy essentially useless.  However, that means that the idea should be scrapped as a needless interference and impossible to effectively do without violating civil rights by racial profiling.  It is not going to make anyone safer, although it will make them feel safer.  It is only possible to increase safety from attack by increasing the proportion of money going to mass transit vis-a-vis airline travel.  It is a backwards looking policy to protect the targets of attacks after those attacks have occurred.  Just because no one has attacked a nuclear or chemical plant or the seaports doesn't mean they shouldn't be protected as much as airports or mass transit.  The money should be doled out based on the location's vulnerability to attack. 


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