Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Letter to Alliance for Justice

I wrote this email about their recent email about the new Supreme Court Nominee:

While I applaud your effort to ensure a fair review of nominees for Supreme Court justice positions, I was sorely disappointed by your list of standard for these nominees. After clicking on the "standards" link, I was greeted by a letter to the heads of the two parties in the senate that was both unfulfilling to me as a Liberal, as well as poorly written and excessively wordy. It repeated several phrases and did not concisely present the standards for a supreme court nominee that both parties could agree upon, fulfilling the constitution in its entirety without regard to political or religious belief. I would appreciate a short list of these concerns. I, too, am concerned about the potential harm a radical rightist justice could produce on the Supreme Court, especially one filling Sandra Day O'Connor's role as a court moderate. I believe a new justice SHOULD protect the right to safe, legal abortions, should protect the environment, labor rights, etc., but your letter conveyed little of that and much more of confusion about the "message" that should have been conveyed. YES, we do want labor rights, environmental protection, the right to free speech, the option of safe, legal abortions. THAT IS WHAT WE WANT! I think you understand that, but that is what needs to come across to anyone reading that letter.

I thank you in advance for your prompt reply.


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