Bork 'em
The Right's chance to move one step closer to facism is upon us. With Sandra Day O'Connor's resignation, and the impending resignation of William Renquist, Bush has the opportunity to remake the majority of the Supreme Court in his own tyrranical, fundamentalist, extremist image where the government can snoop on anyone without a legal hearing, can detain people indefinately, can undo decades of social legislation and unburden business from any responsibility for iits actions and the costs it creates for society. However, it would take the country in an increasingly unpopular direction, as the War in Iraq, Social Security destruction and the other initiatives that have become increasingly unpopular as their details have been revealed. To allow Bush to have free reign in appointing radical Supreme Court justices is to accept the end of multi-party democracy in any effective capacity. The Republicans in Congress are already in lockstep (although a few have come out and staunchly opposed some of Bush's policies) so it is up to the Democrats to unite and block and out-of-the-mainstream nominees for the Supreme Court, whether they are a anti-choice, anti-labor, anti-civil rights right winger (a "wing nut") or a relative moderate on social issues, such as Alberto Gonzales, who authorized the torture of illegally held detainees and who dismissed the Geneva Conventions as "quaint". It's time to band together to get a moderate appointee whose views are moderate and not out of range of the majority of Americans who are not wing nuts. If you haven't already, sign up to volunteer with your local Democrats,, Planned Parenthood or any of the other organizations promoting liberal values and make the choice of a new Supreme Court justice a debate instead of a process of executive fiat and legislative rubber-stamping.
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