Wednesday, March 29, 2006

I've been away: A summation

I'm sorry for my long absense. It is because of a new job after a long spell of unemployment. Glimpsing over the news, a few comments and predictions:

-Warrantless wiretapping: former FISA court judges speak out. Judge Harold Baker said "the president ignores it [the FISA court] at the president's peril." Other former judges press for the FISA court to rule on the legality of the warrantless wiretapping program. I think (and so does the text and spirit of the law) that the warrantless wiretapping of Americans is illegal.

-Kadima/Labor coalition in Israel: Damned if the do, damned if they don't. The government is so deep in shit that whatever they do they have no credibility to create a two-state solution.

-Andy Card out, Josh Bolton in: One liar for another. Bolton headed the Office of Management and Budget which revise what statistics were presented in the President's budget so that they could hide the fiscal ramifications of the Bush tax cuts when they became the most detrimental.

-Republicans and immigration: They're fucked. They're going to end up going for a cruel enforcement-only plan and lose the Hispanic vote and make no difference on immigration policy or national security.

-Hamdan v. Rumsfeld: This is old news. Guantanamo is illegal and the military tribunals violate the Uniform Code of MIlitary Justice and therefore are illegal. However, the recent court packing will help the Administration in front of the court, but they're still a bunch of evil fuckwads (both the Administration and the genuinely Al Qaeda members they managed to pick up).

-Other notes: Ukraine will end up without an Orange coalition government. Belarus will experience more violent political protests. Humala will become president of Peru in the first round with more that 50% of the vote (to avoid a runoff).


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