Thursday, December 29, 2005

Abramoff Expose

The Washington Post has an article on Jack Abramoff that provides interesting details on the super-lobbyist's rise to the center of the Congressional bribery scandals. Abramoff worked with Oliver North organizing "grass-roots" lobbying efforts to end the Congressional ban on funding to the Nicaraguan Contras. In addition, he worked for the Angolan rebel leader, the South African aparteid government and the Pakistani military. He also worked unofficially (laundering the money through a phony think-tank) for the government of Malaysia and oil companies wanting to operate in Sudan, where they were officially banned by the U.S. government on human rights grounds.
While Republican members of Congress are now saying they hope Abramoff goes to jail, and in the words of Sen. Conrad Burns (R-MT), that he wishes Abramoff "had never been born". However, these proclamations seem shallow with the extent to which they were involved with Abramoff. Once Abramoff flips and agrees to cooperate, the Republicans in Congress are going to have one more problem on their hands: lawmakers resigning to go to jail.


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