Thursday, November 17, 2005

Democrat takes a stand and doesn't qualify it

Today John Murtha, a conservative House Democrat who served in Vietnam, called for the end to the U.S. occupation of Iraq, citing the U.S. forces as a 'catalyst for violence'. His declaration that "US troops are the common enemy of the Sunnis, the Saddamists, and the foreign jihadists" is right on the money. Our occupation strengthens the insurgency, much of which just wants to see the U.S. leave Iraq. If the U.S. left, there could be a chance for an international consensus on how to keep Iraq from descending into civil war. The hatchet could be buried over the U.S. invasion if the U.S. forces were no longer seen as occupiers across much of the world. It is a brave stance to take and will likely create some trouble for Mr. Murtha, but it is admirable.


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