Thursday, November 17, 2005

European Investigation of CIA flights

It seems as if the Europeans are far more vigilant about the conduct of the CIA in handling suspected terrorists than the U.S. has been. While the Senate has been passing an amendment opposed by the White House that restates exactly America's committment under the Convention on Torture, the Italian government has issued warrants with Interpol for suspected CIA operatives involved in kidnapping (known to the CIA as 'rendition'). Other European countries have launched investigations into CIA flights through their countries to determine whether they were carrying detainees, which could be a violation of law. It will be nice if the U.S. takes as much interest in our government's conduct in the "war on terrorism" as other governments do. Everytime the U.S. is caught doing something that flagrantly violates international law (e.g., Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo Bay, secret CIA prisons around the world, desecration of the Koran in many detention facilities, loosening standards on the treatment of detainees), scores of anti-American terrorists are created. The U.S. is supposed to be, as Ronald Reagan declared, the 'city on the hill'. We are supposed to set the best example in our conduct (although Reagan didn't live up to his own idea, as his policies in Central America demonstrate...remember Iran-Contra?) and lead by example.


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