Monday, October 24, 2005

The Anti-Starr

Throughout the investigation of who leaked Valerie Wilson's identity as a covert CIA operative, the independent counsel Patrick Fitzgerald has be an antithesis to the image of special prosecutor Kenneth Starr. Where Starr was partisan (Republican, in case you are the subject of Zappa's song "Help, I'm a rock"), Fitzgerald is non-partisan. He is the best hope for justice simply because Democrats cannot say "Oh, I knew it" and Republicans cannot deride him as a hack. With a nearly leak-free investigation (a Washington "miracle" in and of itself), the investigation has proceeded smoothly except for Judith Miller's bullshit (one release is coereced, but the next is genuine, give me a break). It is likely that indictments will be handed down to Karl Rove and Scooter Libby, but the more interesting speculation is on Bush and Cheney. With rumors of Cheney's impending resignation (and replacement by Condi Rice), there have been hints that the conspiracy (in both the legalistic and everyday use of the terms) goes to the top, Bush and Cheney. If only we still had Nixon and Agnew. Compared to Bush/Cheney they are leftist commies. Well, regardless of the outcome, Fitzgerald has been a good special prosecutor and I wish Ken Starr had had the decency to act in a similar manner. Bring on the indictments!


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