Monday, October 17, 2005

Playing the Cards

With Karl Rove operating more quietly than normal political decisions that would have been spun effectively have been exposed as the disaster they are. This is because the person in charge of the White House staff for the entire Bush Administration has been Andy Card. While not necessary ineffectual on his own, to adapt the words of Donald Rumsfeld "you go into politics with the staff you have, not the staff you want". Throughout the administration, there has been miscalculation and policy decisions based more on what the Rapture Right wants, instead of what the country needs. As such, the most important area for continuing power has been perception, not reality. Thus, in the perception area of how the administration has performed, Karl Rove, as spin-meister (and Deputy Chief of Staff) has been in charge. Since his sidelining because of the seemingly inevitable indictment in the outing of Valerie Wilson as a CIA operative, the White House's image has been in freefall in both the general public and Rapture Right's opinions. This is because their policies are bankrupt and without the spin provided by Rove (Andy Card's deputy), the reality has been exposed. It is about time!


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