Wednesday, September 28, 2005

DeLay Indicted!

Finally Tom DeLay was indicted. It is about time that the sleazy "Hot Tub" Tom faced justice. He was indicted on charges of conspiracy after the indictment of TRMPAC (Texans for a Republican Majority PAC). It is about time that DeLay temporarily (hopefully to become permanent) stepped down as House Republican Majority Leader. One interesting note is that under the ethics rules pushed by the DeLay created ethics committee, even though he had been indicted, he would not have had to resign from his leadership positions. It was only due to the Democrats' opposition to the Republican gaming of the ethics procedure. See, if they stand up for what they believe in instead of remaining cowed by the Republicans and right-wing media they can defeat the Republicans. One other interesting note is that Republicans claim that this is a political 'witch hunt' because the prosecutor in Texas is a democrat. Because there is significant evidence that DeLay broke the law it makes Republicans look hugely hypocritical after 8 years and billions of dollars spent on Kenneth Starr's investigation in which they prosecuted Bill Clinton, eventually ending only being able to find that he lied about a blowjob.


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