Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Brownie is out of touch!

In his testimony, Brownie, the ex-head of FEMA (and recently re-hired as a consultant) said the following:

"It's my belief that FEMA did a good job in the Gulf states"

"My biggest mistake was not recognizing by Saturday that Louisiana was dysfunctional."

Once again, a crony hack Bush Administration official works to try to discredit the local and state officials while refusing to admit what was obvious to the rest of the world: FEMA and the federal government, particularly those in the Administration failed at pretty much everything they were supposed to do. If Brownie wanted to tell the truth he should point fingers at Michael Chertoff, Bush and himself. Michael Chertoff for his inaction, Bush and the Republican Congress for demoting FEMA to a sub-department instead of a cabinet level agency and himself and Joe Allbaugh for allowing the defunding and demotion of the agency. Had FEMA been run as well as it was under James Lee Witt during the Clinton Administration, most if not all of the problems that were encountered would have been avoided.


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