Moralist Pharmacists
If a pharmacist refuses to give out any medication prescribed by a doctor, they should be removed from their job. In essence, they are usurping the job of the doctor and are saying that the doctor's opinion (based upon years of schooling and training) is invalid. They are practicing medicine illegally in addition to violating their ethics of their profession. These are the types of people who wish to outlaw the use of condoms (not just the morning-after pill as some may claim). It makes me so mad that these people wish to step into other people's lives. Anyone who advocates laws that allow pharmacists to refuse to fill prescriptions for birth control (which is used for other problems, such as hormone imbalances) and the morning after pill is, in holding this position, a believer in the role of government in personal, private decisions that should be limited to the individual, their sexual partners and (in some cases) their doctor. NO ONE ELSE!