Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Lieberman: Down and Out

There is a fascinating NY Times article about the Lieberman-Lamont race in Connecticut that suggests a move away from a rightist Democratic model of the Democratic Leadership Committee (DLC) and towards a more progressive face for the Democratic Party.  Ned Lamont is even or ahead of Joe Lieberman in the primaries in many polls.  I have been either neutral or opposed to Sen. Lieberman since he was the Vice Presidential candidate in 2000 because he brings the rightward movement of the Democratic party into focus for all its flaws: corporate whoring, religious pandering (Lieberman has been unapologetic about being a religious demagogue focusing on being ultra-religious for the sake of political appearances) and pandering to the right-wng poltics that have unfortunately dominated the country in the past 6 years (26 if you go back to Reagan's election as president).  While Ned Lamont is a wealthy corporate figure (he was a cable tv executive), the issues he is focused on are central to retaking the working-class: the economy, jobs, the minimum wage and more than anything for the press, ending the war in Iraq which has most affected the working class (the rich get tax cuts, the working-class deal with the loss of their children in Baghdad).  It is about time the Democrats move towards their natural base, the working class.


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