Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Moral Bankruptcy

So, Bush's propsed "bankruptcy reform" bill is about to pass and it is great. That is, if you represent the financial industry. They can't wait to recoup on their losses from those irresponsible people who happen to get sick, get divorced or lose their job. That's what the bill really does. It removes many people from eligiblity to file Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which would give them a fresh start (albeit, with the bankruptcy on their record and future credit still uncertain) and force them into Chapter 13 bankruptcy, which requires those filing for bankruptcy to arrange a repayment schedule of their debts. The Republicans try to push this as an anti-banruptcy-abuse bill, but it is really just a keep-the-poor-poor-and-make-them-poorer bill. A recent study came out showing that over half of bankruptcies in the U.S. are due to medical bills, with or without health insurance. It is really time for people to wake up and realize they are being screwed by the Republicans and their pro-business, pro-rich, anti-American agenda. The idea of the American dream is to do better than your parents, but doing that poses risks and without any insurance against a bad outcome, fewer and fewer Americans will realize that dream. Of course, the Republicans' bill still allows the rich to claim bankruptcy while withholding wealth from creditors (here you go Mr. Lay) and allowing anti-choicers to get out of the fines imposed on them for intimidatng patients at family planning clinics.


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