Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Veto Virginity

In an article in today's NY Times, there was the suggestion that Bush might threaten to use his veto power (which, by the way, is on his agenda to expand into a line-item veto that was ruled unconstitutional in 1996) to ram his overly stingy, greedy budget through a hesitant Congress. This would be his first veto of his entire presidency. For a president who claims to be committed to fighting the deficit, it is revealing that he never vetoed a spending bill all throughout his first term. Of course, back in term one, the Congressional Republicans were unthinkingly committed to making sure Bush's agenda was pushed through Congress. Now that Bush doesn't have to worry about re-election while members of Congress do, it will be harder for him to ram these bills through and he might have a bill cross his desk that wasn't written by Karl Rove. Now is the time for the Democrats to use these divisions in the Republican party to block as much of the Republicans uncaring policies that hurt everyone except the rich. Democrats of the Congress Unite!


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