Saturday, January 29, 2005

My letter to Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT)

It is critical for the survival of democracy in America that the government not be allowed to tamper in the reporting of news. It is bad enough that blatant partisans are allowed to promote a harmful agenda on television and call it news (Fox News), but the government financing of propaganda to support their legislative priorities leaps over the line of journalistic integrity. As one who has studied the Soviet Union, it seems even worse. In the U.S.S.R. at least most people knew that Pravda was spouting government propaganda (what an ironic name). In the U.S. today, millions of Americans are getting slanted news coverage from Fox News and commentators whose salaries draw upon my tax dollars. Thank you for standing up and endorsing a free and vigilant press that is a prerequisite of democracy.


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