Monday, January 24, 2005

Another (vast) right wing conspiracy

Have you ever noticed that the only two shows on Fox that do not contain gratuitous sex are 24 and Cops. I think there is something to this pattern. They both show signs of right-wing government power. Cops shows how (as Bill Hicks has noted) the police (and therefore the government) can break down your door and exert state power whenever they feel it is called for. This dovetails nicely with their post-9/11 show 24 that focuses exclusively on the wisdom of the government and how it must always be acting in the interests of Americans while also demonizing Arabs (and in a subtle way that feeds off the misperception that all terrorists are Arabs and all Arabs are Muslim). If one watched 24 without any idea of the political situation currently prevailing, one would most likely come under the impression that the U.S. government is involved in benevolent State action to protect the people of the country against anarchist fundamentalist Muslim Arabs that have an irrational hatred towards the "American Way". However, with any knowledge of what Bush has said (that in the post-9/11 world the U.S. is involved in a "crusade" against Islamic terrorists), it becomes clear how the right-wing bias manifests itself on Fox. If there were no bias involved, would Fox really be broadcasting a show that does not depict scandalous ribald manifestations of sexuality and promiscuity? One just needs to compare a show like 24 to a show like The O.C.


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