Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Milberg Weiss

While the Republicans, in an effort to conflate the fact that Milberg Weiss gave heavily to Democrats, suggest it equalizes the Abramoff affair, push their bullshit, it is even clearer to me than it was when I first wrote about it that the two have nothing to do with each other. As the NY Times reports, Milberg Weiss went securities litigation fishing (after a legitimate target, Oxford Health, whcih had $3 billion wiped off its market value because of a computer malfunction that they subsequently lied about).  However, they were not found to be pandering to legislators for more favorable rules.  They were simply a part of the dollarization mafia who believe giving money will help them (it usually does, but not in this case).  The desparate Republicans unintentionally reveal the seedy side of Washington.  We should decriminilize sexual prostitution while at the same time criminalizing political prostitution, but sadly the Republicans are too much of whores to do that.  Oh, the irony.  


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