Wednesday, February 08, 2006

CIA leaks

The CIA has been aggressively the leakers of some classified material but not others. The government as a whole has been a bit scattered on what leaks it investigates. While a special prosecutor was appointed to investigate the leak of the identity of Valerie Wilson, the administration has been much more aggressive investigating the leak of the NSA wiretapping program, and had already forced the NY Times from releasing the story for over a year (from around the time of the elections). There is so much more politics involved in leak prosecution than there is national security. The damage from leaking Valerie Wilson's identity was far greater than the NSA illegal warrantless wiretapping program. Our enemies knew that they were being monitored before the NY Times story (by commonsense assumption), but the so-called "rogue states" did not know that the energy consultant Valerie Plame was a CIA agent (and therefore her associates were also implicated as on the CIA budget, and in some cases killed as a result). The NSA (on the President's orders) was breaking the law and therefore the leak was a public service by several NSA employees and should be protected under the whistleblower protection laws whereas the Wilson leak was for political benefit. The administration, by ignoring the differences, is further damaging the legitimate whistleblower protections and hurting national security. All in the name of politics. What a shame.


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