Another one on free speech
David Irving is an idiot. While he has recanted his hard-core Holocaust denial, he is still an idiot. There is so much physical evidence that the Holocaust happened that his theories are almost crack-pot delusions. However, like the Mohammed cartoons he has a right to print his views in whichever journal will print them. Those who deny the Holocaust are idiots, out of the view of reality. And those who laugh at stupid jokes about Muslims as terrorists are getting a base view of society. Each group influenced by these cartoons either understand the freedom of the press issues or are idiots. Many people know that it is against the rules of Islam to show paintings of the prophet. It is also in bad taste to show a view of Mohammed as a terrorist. But it is perfectly legal. Fuck you if you disagree with the printing of these cartoons. They may be offensive, but free speech is often offensive in the headlines. I hate Nazis, but they have the right to march at Skokie. That perogative is given under the U.S. constitution. My right to free speech is inviolable!
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