Monday, January 23, 2006

Republican Investigation of Corruption?

The Financial Times reports today that there has been a lot of internal division over Paul Wolfowitz's choice of Suzanne Rich Folsom to head the Department of Institutional Integrity. The DII was created in 2001 amid suspicion that there was corruption within the Bank. However, by appointing Ms. Rich Folsom, who has strong ties to the Republican Party, the veil of impartiality and separation between the World Bank President and the DII is degraded. Maybe the architect of the disastrous war on Iraq wasn't the best person to appoint to the World Bank. Or maybe the lack of impartiality within the DII was the point. The article ends with:
Mr. Wolfowitz's appointment Last year was greeted with apprehension by some long-time staff. Many Republicans believe the bank is plagued by corruption. Ms. Rich Folsom was hired by [former World Bank president] Mr. Wolfensohn with the task of improving the bank's relations with Congressional Republicans.


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