Monday, January 09, 2006

No Shame, No Change

A Washington Post article today hints that Hastert might also lose his leadership position in the fall out from the Abramoff scandal. However, what the article also points out is how reluctant the Republican party is to admitting that it corrupt. With the minority whip position being fought over by Reps. Blunt (R-MO) and Boehner (R-OH), both Abramoff- and DeLay-connected legislators, no real change is being made. They are just changing the identity, not the corrupt-ness, of the leadership. The only reason why the Democrats might not retake the House if not the Senate too is their own ineptitude in delineating the Abramoff scandal as a corruption scandal instead of a lobbyist scandal. They try, but with little success. They need to connect the dots and do better than the "culture of corruption" nonsense. The Republicans are crooks. While it poses a threat to all incumbents, getting rid of the money in politics will help Democrats and Congress as a whole.


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