Monday, January 30, 2006

More revelations of FEMA failures

The Washington Post reports that the Interior Department offered many resources that were in dire need in the days after hurricane Katrina made landfall. However, because of the failure of FEMA, these resources were not used for more than a month after the hurricane struck. The resources included 400 law enforcement personnel that could have helped to stabilize the region and aid in search-and-rescue of people stranded by the hurricane and flooding. It it another reminder of what a "heckofajob" Brownie, FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security were doing. If they couldn't make use of resources from elsewhere within the government for a disaster that was predicted and anticipated, how again are they going to adequately respond if there is another terrorist attack on the U.S.? Clearly, the system established after 9/11 has failed, yet Michael Chertoff is still the head of the DHS and there hasn't been much movement on rebuilding FEMA to what it was when Clinton left office.


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