Thursday, December 01, 2005

Parental Notification & Abortion

The anti-abortionists are really some of the most regressive people in this country. They share a view of women's rights that would be the norm in Saudi Arabia, Iran and among the Taliban. Parental notification (and in some cases approval) for minors seeking an abortion, spousal notification for abortions (supported by nominee Alito) and bans on safe, legal medical procedures. They have, by their opposition to Plan B, demonstrated not only an opposition to abortion, but also to contraceptives. Their logic on Plan B is only one step away from supporting a restriction on condom availability to those with prescriptions, something quite illogical in a country with over 40 million people without health insurance (doctors visits without health insurance are expensive; my experience for two doctors visits ended up costing me well over $400).

What these wackos need to realize is that their power should stop at the bedroom and doctor's doors. They need to realize that they hold quaint and increasingly less popular views about imposing their personal religious beliefs upon others. Any legislation on notification (while they shouldn't exist at all), should have exemptions for rape, incest and the life or health of the mother. These religious zealots need to leave the public life, go in their churches and shut the doors and stop bothering those with other viewpoints. If they are anti-abortion and anti-contraceptive, they have a very simple way to fulfill these beliefs: don't use birth control and don't have an abortion. Don't try to tell others what your temporary insanity (this is their level of frenzy of belief) tells you is "right". It's not appropriate to include religious beliefs in legislation, because it violates the constitutionally guaranteed separation of church and state and imposes religious beliefs upon those who may not agree.


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