Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Twisting Investigations

No doubt with the indictment of Scooter Libby in the CIA leak case fresh in mind, Republicans in Congress are talking about investigating the leak to Washington Post reporter Dana Priest of the fact that the CIA has secret prisons around the world. However, this leak doesn't fall under the same category that the Valerie Wilson leak did. The latter was done for political revenge while the former is an act of whistleblowing on a government practice done contrary to international and U.S. military law. In this case, there is a legitimate public interest served. The American public has a right to know what is done in our names to protect our safety (although I believe it makes us less, not more safe, to torture people and hold them indefinitely incognito). When this government tortures people to protect "national security" there is an oversight role that the American people need to be able to take. Do we as a country condone the use of torture and secret indefinite detention by the government of so-called 'threats to our national security'. I believe that Americans in general do not and it should be known to them what we are doing so they can make an informed choice in the elections.


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