Sunday, August 21, 2005

It's Time To Leave

Finally, the publc has woken up in significant numbers to come out and oppose the War in Iraq, but more is needed. As soldiers die every day, each one being one too many casualties for a war based on lies, the outcome of the war becomes clearer and clearer. The insurgency that Dick Cheney said was in its 'final throes' has become more sophisticated and deadlier while the Iraqi police forces have not been trained fast enough (partly because of low pay and partly because they keep getting blown up and ambushed, often for being 'collaborators' with the U.S. occupation force. In this context, a continued military presence by the U.S. makes little or no sense. Our presence there is a recruiting tool for the people who kill our troops and the Iraqis. Furthermore, the government being set up does not appear favorable to our interests (it appears to be an Islamic government, the type we helped Saddam fight during the 1980s in Iran) and the government also is seen as illegitimate by many Iraqis, particularly the Sunni. While a withdrawl would not be a perfect solution, and Iraq may have a government we dislike, it will be a better outcome than a 5, 8, 10 or 12 year (or longer) occupation that serves as a terrorist/nationalist recruiting tool for the violent opposition.


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